Sunday, April 12, 2009

aSSalamualaiKuM kbar smua?? hope u all fine and the today n tomorrow is best for your tired
i already tried to revision all my subject but u know is suffer...n now i have a proper plan hahahahah...i hope u guy can help me....not my studies but for release tension...huHHHH....u knoW guy lasTweEk i already go to david archuleta concert hahahah is best n enjoyed one of my plan u guy ccan u help me???

Saturday, April 4, 2009

sTdy WeEk..

assalamualaikum....hye pa kbar smua?? sihat x?? hee karang nie dh nk stdy week kt UM huuu...
exam dh dekat tp xtaw la aku bljar apa ya???? huuu...pas nie msti kna baca nota revise, n so on....god plz help me...anyway life must go on...try..TrY and tRyyy....itt